Why Kids and Pets Belong?

Our principal psychologist Clinical, Educational and Developmental Psychologist Azza Brown was interviewed by the Daily Telegraph on the topic 'Why Kids and Pets Belong'. Some of her comments are summarised below:

"Research shows that pets teach kids values such as responsibility, empathy and positive attachment as well as social and emotional skills. It is important that children learn to care for someone other than themselves.... Animals need food and shelter, nurturing and care. They teach a lot of important values and impact how children treat other people, gently and with kindness"

"Emotional regulation is another aspect. Kids that could be sad or have anxiety say that when they are with their pet, everything feels better. They feel secure and calm"

"As they get older and become more capable, you can give them (kids) more tasks such as cleaning up after their pets... It ties in with that sense of responsibility, that is is a family and the pet is part of the family system"

The article written by Renata Gorton also contains some helpful tips from other professionals on the best pets for kids!

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