Face to Face Assessment centre: Miranda (Sydney)  Fill out our intake form


kids retreats

The secret to the perfect kids' retreat: how to give your kids the space to let their personalities shine

Our principal psychologist Azza Brown, along with other professionals in the field of psychology and interior design was interviewed on the topic of 'kids retreat' and 'how to give them the space to them their personalities shine'. 

The article written by Renata Gorton discussed the differences in room set ups for toddlers, tweens and teens. 

Ms Brown was specifically asked abou

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kids and pets

Why Kids and Pets Belong?

Our principal psychologist Clinical, Educational and Developmental Psychologist Azza Brown was interviewed by the Daily Telegraph on the topic 'Why Kids and Pets Belong'. Some of her comments are summarised below:

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Travelling with small children- is it worth it?

Our Principal psychologist Azza Brown comments on travelling with small children: Azza Brown, a developmental clinical psychologist with the Australian Psychological Society, confirms that children don't start to make lasting memories until around the age of five – though it can vary from child to child. That doesn't necessarily mean that travel shouldn't start until that age, however.<

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