Face to Face Assessment centre: Miranda (Sydney)  Fill out our intake form


Understanding Feeding and Eating Disorders in Children

Assessing the underlying reasons behind "picky" or "selective" eating can be tricky when doing so independently. That is why, our therapists  working as part of our eating disorders sub clinic are able to assess underlying reasons, provide psychoeducation and further support, intervention and direction as needed. The following provides a helpful summary of the complexity of feeding and eating

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How Biology affects our Children's Sleeping Habits

Have you ever wondered why your adolescent son or daughter is always staying up late? Or why they have such difficulty getting up in the morning on a school day?

The answer lies in their biology.

Humans have biological clocks that control different functions in the body, including our sleeping patterns (Roenneberg et al. 2003). Our sleep-wake habits typic

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Attachment and Parenting with PACE

According to the Attachment Theory, children are predisposed to seek security from their primary caregivers (Golding and Hughes, 2012). When there is a consistent and sensitive love, a secure attachment will develop in response. A secure attachment provides a sense of safety and security, regulating emotions, by soothing distress, creating joy, and supporting calm.

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Our goal is to ensure your advocacy needs are met through the process of continuous engagement and genuine understanding of your needs