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Autism study: Diagnosis delayed by two years in most children

Source: By Nicky Phillips Sydney Morning Herald

The majority of Australian children with autism spectrum disorder are not being diagnosed until they are four years old, more than two years after they can be reliably identified and given life-changing intervention, a study has found.

Leading autism researcher Cheryl Dissanay

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Red flags to watch out for when children reach a milestone

Milestones: Red Flags to Watch For

Source: By Jessica Snyder Sachs from Parents Magazine

Milestones: Red Flags to Watch For

While young children can reach milestones at different ages, the CDC says you should consult an expert in development and consider an early-intervention evaluation if your child displays any of these signs or has a dramatic loss of skills.

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aggression in playground

School yard Aggression: are boys meaner than girls?

According to a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald, a study conducted in Sydney high schools suggests female students are more likely to engage in social and relational aggression – rumour spreading and manipulation – in the junior years. But, by years 9 and 10, the boys overtake them.

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