Face to Face Assessment centre: Miranda (Sydney)  Fill out our intake form


Promoting Health and Wellbeing during the HSC: Quick tips for teens and parents

Year 12 can be one of the most stressful times for young people, resulting in clinical levels of anxiety and stress, and greatly impacting functioning across all domains of life. A survey of year 12 students by the UNSW School of Education showed that out of 722 students surveyed, 42% reported high-level anxiety symptoms, high enough to be of clinical concern. The main causes of pressure

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social anxiety

Social Anxiety: 4 Things you Might Not Know

Social Anxiety is usually described as experiencing an intense fear of being criticised, embarrassed or humiliated in everyday situations, such as speaking to others, presenting a speech, or being assertive.

If you experience or know someone who experiences Social Anxiety, here are are some things that you need to know:

1. Having social anxiety is not the same as being shy.

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transitioning to school

Transitioning to school

Whether it be starting primary school or going into high school, the transition to school can be emotionally demanding for children. Some of the challenges faced by children include having a new role, adapting to a new environment, making new friends and meeting new teachers. The difficulties that these children face may lead to significant effects on their educational

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Helping your child with Time Management

There are 24 hours in a day. Yet some children (and even adults!) struggle with managing their time effectively. For example, they might always be late for school in the morning, or procrastinate before starting their class assignment. Why do some kids have more difficulty than others when it comes to organising their time?

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