Face to Face Services: Only in Miranda (Sydney)  Fill out our intake form



Bushfires: Advice to parents of children who may have seen or been affected by bush fires.

The Australian landscape has a long history of bushfires. Although they are a natural and normal part of living in Australia, and as our population grows, they have become a more prominent feature of many people’s lives. As such, children and young people are becoming increasingly exposed to their reality, either directly through observation or via the ever increasing media channels.<

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how to regulate social media

Helping Teens to Regulate Technology Use

One of the most common presenting issues from parents of teens whom we see is that their son or daughter is “addicted to gaming”, or “won’t get off the Ipad and do their homework!”. Parents are often at a loss at what to do, and have resulted in confiscating technology, arguments at home, and ultimately impact on family relationships.

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Our goal is to ensure your advocacy needs are met through the process of continuous engagement and genuine understanding of your needs